Tuesday, 26 April 2011

gallery night

I'll be rocking the paper, string, plastic gallery tonight...

the e-collector and the downfall of the humble video store

The other day I went to the local video shop to get a movie (I got RED by the way which was good as I could have expected); I haven’t been to rent a video in a while and was massively disappointed… When did the local vid shop become so unpopular?

I kind of know the reason; its cos’ of technology giving people exactly what they want.  It saddens me because I remember all the dope movies I’ve seen when I’ve gone out to rent something, found that it’s already out and ended up making an impulse rent.  If it wasn’t for those impulse rents I’d have never have seen some of the classics that I have under my belt.

It seems to me that DVD is slowly becoming the new vinyl, I heard a while back that they’re expecting no DVD’s to be on the shelves come 2013.  As someone who really regards themselves as a collector (be it figurines, DVD’s, movie memorabilia, sneakers, zines, comics) I find this kind of sad, soon everyone’s collection will just be a black box of downloaded albums, movies, e-zines and books.

What kind of life is that?